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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

To Grandparents' House We Go

We're at NeNe and Papa Jack's house!  Little Pickle is fast asleep in her Pack n' Play, and Daddy is off to bed early with a bad cough. :(  So, I'm here in the living room with my parents who are playing "words with friends" on their respective mac devices.  You know.

At dusk, the little nieces went out to swing while Aunt Sally pushed.  They love their swings.

Ghost children in motion

In the wagon: supplies (AKA boots and baby doll)

Aunt Sally, entertaining the childrens

Poor Alice is too little to play outside with the big kids!  But since she's a sweetheart, she's more than content to sit in her Bumbo seat and play with her hands and/or burp-cloth.

It's hard to believe that just next year, Alice will be toddling right behind her cousins, trying to keep up.  But she's Baby Alice, and babies don't grow.  So, she'll be my baby forever.  Mm-hm.

See you tomorrow!  I plan to talk about my cold and why having a cold makes me feel nostalgic.  You wouldn't want to miss out on THAT.


  1. Oh my goodness. I can't handle any of these photos. Sweet babies!! Also, your parents crack me up when they play Words With Friends with each other. While using different devices. While sitting right next to each other.

  2. I agree with Emily - I love the WWF vision.

    Okay, on to more important things. My favorite parts:

    1. Alice in the Bumbo.
    2. Sophia's face.
    3. Lydia's smile.

  3. My 1-3 was going to be exactly what Jennifer said!!! Niiiiiieces.
