To start, I like a lot of things. In fact, I like most things since, after all, I am a baby.
I like cheese. Yes, even blue cheese.
I like crazy smiles.
I like making up new words whenever I'm not too tired.
I love reading books, having them read to me, and tearing pages.
Mama's jewelry makes the best toy, hands down.
I'm love observing and thinking about all kinds of things.
I also love songs. When people laugh, I think it's funny. When babies cry, I think that's funny, too. I like waving when there is a silent moment to fill. When I wake up from my nap, I like to pull myself up and either say, "Dadadadada" or "Mamamama" or I just cry.
Now, some things I don't like are when I'm crawling around and I find a little treasure and mom takes it away. It tastes so good, I feel so great about finding something special, and she just takes it. I don't really understand that, but mom says that someday when I'm not a baby I'll understand. When it comes down to it, there's a whole lot that I DO understand, so it's okay to be confused about one thing. I do not like people holding my hand... never have, never will. Getting into my car seat is also pretty terrible, but once I'm all buckled in, it's a great ride.
I'm gonna hand it over to my mom from here. Thanks for reading and looking at all of my pictures!
Here are some things Alice is saying/trying to say:
Saying: Mama, Dada
Trying to say: Hi (sounds like "I"), more (sounds like "bo"), no (sounds like oooh), Moo (like the cow -- sounds like a humming "mmmm"), all done (sounds like aaaah daaaah)
I feel like every day there is a new side of Alice that shines through -- it is so much fun getting to know her and getting to kiss her all.the.time. Some days are hard, but most days that she crawls by my feet or I hear her squeal from another room, I am reminded of my many days of longing for such constant baby-companionship. She's with me ALL DAY LONG!! I never have to say good bye, and why would I want to? Keep being adorable, sweet babes!
It's so impossibly hard to believe that 1 year old is two short months away!
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