The twist could have stood to be a little tighter, but little girls don't always stand still. If my hair were longer, I would try it out in a heartbeat (and if Alice's hair were longer... haha).
Here's how you do it (in case you haven't figured it out):
- starting on one side of your head, take a piece of hair next to your ear, and twist slightly
- take the next lock of hair (behind the piece you just twisted) and adjoin by twisting it gently into your already twisted lock
- take another lock of hair (just as you did in the previous step) and twist together, making your way across your head
- when you get the end, curve/twirl/roll into a bun and secure with bobby pins
It didn't take too much jumping, skipping, and monkey-dancing before Lydia's hair fell out, so maybe a few more bobby pins (and hairspray?) would have helped. She has lovely wavy hair, too, so I'm sure that helps in keeping it in place.
Did you know that every other year I decide I MUST grow my hair out? This is that year. I had a dream that I grew it out, and in that dream I felt so feminine. After I grow it out, I'll start hating it and I'll cut it off. This is the way of life.
And, since you missed out on Lyd's cute face, here you go:
I love it!