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Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday(n) Thoughts

"The cyberest of cyber Mondays" is not $15 off an order of $75, Urban Outfitters.  That's the scammiest of cyber Mondays because we're still forced to pay $50 to get a deal.  Then again, your catalogs are creepy.  So, I'm over you.

Alice is in her room "sleeping."  Today "sleeping" sounds like this, "Ayesh, ah-no-no-no, MMMMMM, Mama-mom, whoa! wha! wha!, ah-bd-bd-bd-bd, bawsh? bawsh?, aaaw, ah-no-no-no-no."

Day 13 of Project Cure Sinus Infection (it was a top-secret FBI project that is now open to the public's knowledge) is in progress, and I'm feeling like I can do things.  Just a few days ago I thought that the land of the living had passed me by, and I would be forever bound to a couch, forced to watch happiness from afar.  But here I am.  Back in the land where dishes can be washed, babies can be cared for, beds can be made, floors can be swept.  I forgot how exhilarating the land of the living can be.

Some might think the Christmas season is here, but in this house we're holding out for advent.  This means that, come yon Saturday, our house will be filled with grand reminders that 'tis the season.  ...even though advent is not a festive time, and really a time of contemplation.  We're not making much sense.  But we live in a culture that doesn't make sense.  So.  There's that.

Alice would like you to know, "Ah-no-no-no-no."

Alice would also like you to know that we will find out the sex of our baby this week!  What do you think it is?  Your options are: a boy or a girl.

Let's all take a moment of pause to appreciate grammar.  Let's all think about the statement, "Well, u new what I ment to say so y does splling matter...................?????"
That's what cave men used to say. Well, at least, that's what they used to grunt.

Thus concludes the thoughts from my head.  Merry Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. "Your options are: a boy or a girl." made me laugh out loud! I've said it elsewhere, but I'll say it here, too: I know deep down inside that it is a boy. I just have a feeling. I can't wait to meet him. Anthony Rail is such a great name.

    That's how rumors get started.

    Congratulations on coming back to the healthy-adult world where you are needed at every turn.

    Also, clev title. So clev. Christmas cheer!!!!!!
